Due to health issues I'm not undertaking live performances at present

so here's previously how I have normally spent my time on the music front up until covid arrived.... a mix of songwriting, live gigs ,solo, duo & group, some organising of events like the monthly Write Note at Lincoln & Nettleham Hub, busking event stuff and concerts and some journalism like the fortnightly "Set List" column for the Lincolnshire Echo.... Worth mentioning at this point that I'm having a break from live performing.
I've put together and host a monthly lunchtime session for musicians at Lincoln Central Library called "The Write Note", since Jan 2007. Dates are all fixed for 2020 (thanks Greenwich Leisure who manage Lincoln Central Library) and they take place on the third Saturday of each month, from noon-2pm.. it's all acoustic and musicians and listeners are all very welcome. It's all free & you can bring your sandwiches too! Just pull up a chair... go to the Write Note link at the top of this page for dates & further info... There's now also a Write Note session taking place at the Nettleham Community Hub on the second Saturday of each month noon-2pm. These Write Note Sessions are of course not taking place at present due to the Covid virus & who knows when they'll return.
I team up with various musicians for gigs & instrument wise I play mostly a Martin guitar and a couple of Hugh Scullion's strummers. Plus a Saxon acoustic in C tuning (which formerly belonged to Richard Langridge) and a Takamine. For 20 years I was part of "Ploughmens Bunch" & now concentrate my band activity on folk quartet & ceilidh group "The Delta Dogs". For Lincoln Big, I put together the Annual Lincoln Bailgate Busking Festival & a concert or two in St Marks, Lincoln.
- Every week (since 1988) I had written a weekly music column for the Grimsby Evening Telegraph but this stopped in 2013, due to financial constraints within the newspaper. I had a good run there and change is good. You do need to turn the soil over from time to time!
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